0.0002 |
LOCK TABLES v2_member_conn WRITE
0.0005 |
delete from v2_member_conn where conn_time < date_sub(now(), interval 5 minute)
0.0003 |
select count(*) from v2_member_conn where session_id='6b5d20aea053fc6c97d9fb19f6ef617d' and member_id=''
0.0002 |
insert into v2_member_conn (session_id,member_id,conn_time) values ('6b5d20aea053fc6c97d9fb19f6ef617d','',now())
0.0002 |
0.0003 |
update v2_connect_log set wdate=now(), referer='',keyword='',host='',remote_addr='' where sessid='6b5d20aea053fc6c97d9fb19f6ef617d'
0.0005 |
insert into v2_connect_log (sessid,menu_code,wdate,referer,keyword,host,link_gbn,remote_addr) values ('6b5d20aea053fc6c97d9fb19f6ef617d','main',now(),'','','','','')
0.0002 |
insert into v2_counter_log (menu_code,wdate,remote_addr) values ('main',now(),'')
0.0003 |
update v2_daily_counter set counter=counter+1 where ymd=date_format(now(),'%Y-%m-%d')
0.0011 |
select * from v2_popup where use_yn='Y' and now() between sdatetime and edatetime order by edatetime asc
0.0006 |
select a.board_no as no, a.member_id, a.writer, a.subject, a.wdate, a.wtime, concat(a.wdate,' ',a.wtime) as wdatetime, unix_timestamp(concat(a.wdate,' ',a.wtime)) as wtimestamp, a.parent, a.depth, a.sort_no, b.file_name, b.full_path from v2_board_data a LEFT JOIN v2_board_upfiles b ON a.board_id = b.board_id and a.board_no = b.board_no and b.file_no = 1 where a.board_id='notice' order by a.sort_no desc limit 5
0.0005 |
select a.board_no as no, a.member_id, a.writer, a.subject, a.wdate, a.wtime, concat(a.wdate,' ',a.wtime) as wdatetime, unix_timestamp(concat(a.wdate,' ',a.wtime)) as wtimestamp, a.parent, a.depth, a.sort_no, b.file_name, b.full_path from v2_board_data a LEFT JOIN v2_board_upfiles b ON a.board_id = b.board_id and a.board_no = b.board_no and b.file_no = 1 where a.board_id='free' order by a.sort_no desc limit 5
0.0005 |
select a.board_no as no, a.member_id, a.writer, a.subject, a.wdate, a.wtime, concat(a.wdate,' ',a.wtime) as wdatetime, unix_timestamp(concat(a.wdate,' ',a.wtime)) as wtimestamp, a.parent, a.depth, a.sort_no, b.file_name, b.full_path from v2_board_data a LEFT JOIN v2_board_upfiles b ON a.board_id = b.board_id and a.board_no = b.board_no and b.file_no = 1 where a.board_id='postscript' order by a.sort_no desc limit 5
0.0014 |
select position, subject, linkurl, target, upfile, width, height from v2_banner where output_yn = 'Y' order by pid desc